Scars and stretch marks
Scars and stretch marks are defects that are not always under our control. Pregnancy and acne are only two, however the main, sources of these unsightly looking changes. Slight stretch marks and small scars can be easily covered up, but when they cover a large area of the body or face it is not feasible. These defects then lower self-confidence, take away from well-being, and often make the female gender not feel feminine. If the problem of scars or stretch marks concerns you, come to our Clinic and a team of specialists will choose the appropriate method to remove these changes. We offer high quality laser therapy using the iPixel laser and Julie carboxytherapy.
Composer, Producer, Guitarist
Singer, Songwriter
Author of the "365 Days" trilogy of novels
Actor, singer, choreographer, Asia Express contestant
Dermapen 4.0
The Dermapen 4.0 treatment is an innovative method of reducing scars and stretch marks on the body. It uses an advanced micro-puncture system that stimulates the skin’s regeneration process. This state-of-the-art treatment is safe and effective, with results visible after just a few sessions. Patients often choose Dermapen 4.0 because it is an effective alternative to more invasive surgical procedures. With the ability to customize the intensity of the treatment, you can get the best results.
Carboxytherapy - Julie
Carboxytherapy uses CO2, which damages fat cells, has a beneficial effect on microcirculation and oxygenation of cells and elimination of toxins. This improves skin condition, accelerates metabolism which promotes cellulite reduction and hair follicles strengthen. In addition, scars and stretch marks are shallowed. The innovative mechanism of double gas heating significantly reduces pain sensations during the treatment.
Zabieg | Cena |
Obszar (np. 10 cm x 10 cm) | od 500 zł* |
*cena ustalana indywidualnie podczas darmowej konsultacji |
Stretch marks, scars, cellulite, fatty tissue
Carboxytherapy Julie | 1 treatment | Package of 5 treatments | Package of 10 treatments |
Eye area | 150 zł | ||
Face | 250 zł | ||
Face, neck, cleavage | 300 zł | ||
neck | 150 zł | ||
Scalp | 180 zł | ||
buttocks | 200 zł | ||
Thighs / calves / belly / slides | 250 zł | ||
whole legs | 350 zł | ||
Scars, stretch marks | od 100 zł | - | - |
Schedule your treatment now!
Make an appointment or take advantage of a free cosmetology consultation, and our specialists will help you choose a treatment tailored exclusively to your needs.
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