Alma Harmony XL PRO - Nd:YAG 1064

The Alma Harmony XL PRO – Nd:YAG 1064 platform is a revolutionary device allowing to comprehensively get rid of problems such as: spider veins on legs and varicose veins, as well as changes in skin pigmentation.

This treatment is completely comfortable for the patient, as it produces a pleasant cooling sensation while a beam of radiation with very high thermal energy penetrates directly into the skin.

Main advantages of Alma Harmony XL PRO – Nd:YAG 1064

Multiple applications

The Alma Harmony XL PRO – Nd:YAG 1064 device is one of the most multitasking platforms enabling removal of spider veins on legs and effective removal of varicose veins, which are often a very unsightly problem.

In addition, the laser makes it possible to get rid of residual vascular lesions such as adhesions, as well as subcutaneous haemorrhages caused by the very low elasticity of the vein walls, which are broken and impaired in their tightness.

Main advantages of Alma Harmony XL PRO – Nd:YAG 1064

High efficiency

The laser makes it possible to remove blood vessels of up to approximately 3 mm in size, especially on the legs, in addition to firming the skin and improving its condition by stimulating collagen fibres. Thus, Alma Harmony XL PRO – Nd:YAG 1064 ensures an improvement in skin quality even long after the treatment.

Patients notice the removal of blood vessels and varicose veins even after just one laser treatment.


Over 25000+ satisfied customers
Ola Ciupa
Ola Ciupa
"My favorite salon is Beauty Skin. I regularly use Vectus laser treatments - laser hair removal, which allows to get rid of hair permanently. The hair gets weaker and weaker from treatment to treatment and there is no problem of ingrown hairs."

Model, presenter of

Tomasz Ciachorowski
Tomasz Ciachorowski
"It's nice that there are treatments like those at Beauty Skin, which are non-invasive and improve the way you look and feel." Zebra TV


Leszek Stanek
Leszek Stanek
"The belief of scalpel medicine is becoming a thing of the past, today you can take care of your skin with laser treatments and such I praise, using them at Beauty Skin ." TV Zebra

Actor, singer, choreographer, Asia Express contestant

Alma Harmony XL PRO – Nd:YAG 1064

Frequently asked questions by customers

Treatments are best carried out in autumn and winter due to the skin’s low exposure to the sun. During the series of treatments it is absolutely necessary to avoid sunbathing and heating of the skin.

After the treatment you should avoid the sun, the solarium and use preparations protecting against UV rays, you should not use irritating cosmetic preparations (alcoholic tonics, coarse peels). Sauna and exercise (including fitness) for a few days is not advisable.

Treatment prices start from £150 depending on the size of the treatment area. A free consultation is required to determine the exact amount.

Alma Harmony XL PRO – Nd:YAG 1064

How exactly does the Alma Harmony XL PRO - Nd:YAG 1064 work?

The laser uses the action of a long pulsed light emitted by a cooling head. This increases the comfort of the patient, who does not feel the sometimes disturbing warmth that is usually present in this type of treatment.

The laser emits a 1064nm light beam, which is ideal for treating recessed lesions involving venous problems, as well as those related to the deeper layers of the skin. The combination of the appropriate length of light with the minimum time of its emission (limited to 60 milliseconds) makes the laser action completely safe as well as effective.

Alma Harmony XL PRO – Nd:YAG 1064

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Price list

Removal of spider veins on legs

Thigsfrom 500zł*
Elbows from 400zł*
Other partiesfrom 200zł*
* Price determined individually during a free consultation

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Make an appointment or take advantage of a free cosmetology consultation, and our specialists will help you choose a treatment tailored exclusively to your needs.


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4 лазери для видалення волосся – відкрийте для себе чотири різні грані лазерної епіляції

Звернувшись до професійної клініки для лазерної епіляції, виявляється, що пропозиція настільки широка, що така проста, як може здатися. Вибір лазерів великий, не знаючи їх властивостей,

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