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30 August 2022

Facial hair removal – get rid of unwanted hair!

Excess hair can cause us a lot of complexes and worries. With laser hair removal, once and for all, we can get rid of unwanted hair from various parts of the body as well as the facial area. Laser epilation is not only the only method that can permanently remove hair, but also minimizes the risk of various types of burns and irritation. If the problem of excessive facial hair occurs in ladies, it can make them feel extremely uncomfortable. Check out how using laser facial hair removal can get rid of this problem permanently!

Facial depilation

Excessive facial hair is a problem affecting a fair number of women. It takes a variety of forms, single dark and long hairs, dark fuzz around the mouth, unwanted hair around the ears and on the contours of the face. This problem can occur suddenly, either as a result of medical treatment or hormonal changes in the body, however, hereditary and genetic causes are also not uncommonly observed. There are no age restrictions in this case, it often occurs during puberty and hormonal storms in the body, it can also happen at a mature age. A sizable problem can be a symptom of hirsutism and is an indication to consult a doctor and implement appropriate treatment. Regardless of the underlying cause of the problem, persistent facial hair affects comfort and can cause a lower mood. Facial hair removal treatment is an important part of taking care of your health and well-being. Qualified staff at the beauty salon should advise us on the method and answer any questions we have.

Depilation for the brave, or facial hair removal with wax

Facial depilation with either cold or hot wax is an excellent solution not only to regulate eyebrows, but also more prominent hair present on the chin. The hair is pulled out of the pores of the skin, along with the follicles.

How to carry out this procedure?

  • Heat the wax so that it reaches body temperature, and then carefully apply a strip of wax to the skin and hair with a spatula (preferably about 5 mm long),
  • The next step is to cover with a strip of cotton, press it to the skin and wait until it cools down and tear off the wax with the hair in a quick motion, in the opposite direction to the direction of hair growth,
  • Cold wax patches work the same way – you need to warm them in your hands, apply them to the skin and peel them off.

Advantages: the effects will be visible for several weeks, while the hair grows back softer.

Disadvantages: quite painful method, can lead to skin irritation.

Removal of facial hair with sugar paste

If you prefer homemade ways to remove facial hair, then sugar paste hair removal is sure to appeal to you. Sugar paste is prepared with only natural ingredients, and because of its mildness, it works perfectly for depilating eyebrows. Tiny sugar particles enter the hair follicles, coating the surface of the hair. When you abruptly tear off the sugar paste, the hair is removed along with the roots in the direction of their growth, so it is less painful than epilation with wax.

What are the different stages of this procedure?

  • Cleaning the skin with an alcohol solution and sprinkling it with baby powder – so the paste will adhere better,
  • Mix 200 g of sugar (about one cup), two tablespoons of lemon juice and two tablespoons of water – everything should be mixed and heated,
  • Apply sugar paste to the face in the opposite direction of hair growth, and once it has dried, remove the paste with the hair in the direction of hair growth.

Advantages: less painful and less aggressive method than depilation with wax. The hair grows back thinner after 3-6 weeks.

Disadvantages: sticky texture, hair should be at least 0.5 cm long. It is not always possible to prepare the paste correctly.

Removal of facial hair with tweezers

The method of plucking facial hair with tweezers is probably familiar to everyone. If you intend to remove only a few hairs from your eyebrows, tweezers will be the ideal tool.

What should be done step by step?

  • Making sure the tweezers have a wide gripping surface,
  • This method will be less painful if you pluck open pores, so it is best to do it after a bath,
  • skin tension with fingers. Hold the tweezers at the same angle as the growth and grab the hair as close to the root as possible,
  • In order to soothe the epilated skin, you can apply ice cubes to it after the procedure.

Pros: all we need are good quality tweezers.

Disadvantages: this method can lead to irritation, only for depilation of small areas.

Depilation performed in an aesthetic medicine/cosmetic surgery – laser

The most effective method of removing facial hair, is the destruction of hair follicles using a laser beam (usually diode laser). The laser light is primarily absorbed by melanin (the pigment of the skin and hair), then a thermal reaction takes place that damages the hair follicles. Therefore, the best results are possible for those who have a light complexion and very dark hair. Unfortunately, but this type of treatment is characterized by less effectiveness in people with gray and light hair, due to the low amount of melanin.

How does the facial hair removal laser work?

The laser emits a beam of light that is absorbed by the melanin found in hair follicles, which contributes to the permanent destruction of the structures responsible for their growth, thus increasing the effect of the technology. Lasers offer the opportunity to get rid of hair permanently from the face, arms, abdomen, chest area, legs, armpits and face. Usually this type of treatment should be performed in series – as a single treatment will not be sufficient to achieve the overall result.

Importantly, the laser facial hair removal procedure is not painful – the devices have cooling systems integrated into them. In addition, the heads of selected lasers are finished with sapphire glass, which brings an additional cooling result during treatments. In turn, the gradual heating of the treatment site reduces the formation of possible burns, as well as other side effects of the laser. This makes its use completely safe and possible even in those with a low pain threshold.

What lasers are used for laser hair removal

Several types of lasers are used for laser facial hair removal. One of them is the Vectus laser, which is highly effective if you want to remove dark hairs on the chin or a visible mustache, among other things. It has a special smart reader for determining the amount of melanin in the skin, which allows the ideal laser parameters to be selected for the individual patient. Yet another laser used for hair removal is the Alexandrite laser, which combines two different sources – the Alexandrite laser and the Nd:YAG Thunder MT. With this combination of technologies, it becomes possible to increase the emitted energy, as well as to select the effect of a double or single beam of light depending on the treatment area or patient requirements. Importantly, this laser makes it possible not only to get rid of dark hair, which, due to its considerable melanin content, easily absorbs the light beams and is very effectively removed. Thunder MT is also an ally when fighting fine and light hair.

For whom is laser facial hair removal recommended?

Laser depilation is recommended primarily in situations where traditional depilation methods cause skin irritation. It is ideal for those people who have a tendency to ingrown hairs, as well as the formation of inflammation. With laser hair removal, not only is hair removed, but the condition of the epidermis is also positively affected. The results don’t appear right away – several treatments will be necessary for the skin to be thoroughly and for a longer period of time cleared of hair growing on it.

What might be the contraindications to laser hair removal?

    • The use of bronzers and self-tanners,
    • Taking medications that can cause inappropriate skin reactions,
    • having a pacemaker,
    • psoriasis,
    • diabetes,
    • Bacterial, fungal and viral infections,
    • pregnancy,
    • A history of cancer,
    • Freshly tanned skin,
    • A recent surgical procedure.

Despite the fact that laser hair removal is extremely common, this method of hair removal cannot always be used. There are many contraindications to it, and among them are:

How should I prepare for a facial laser hair removal procedure?

Preparations for undergoing laser facial hair removal need to begin well in advance of your scheduled treatment date. First of all, it is necessary to go to a consultation with a specialist who will carry out the procedure – he will check for contraindications and decide on the appropriate preparations. They are influenced by factors such as age, hair color and quality, or the health of the person who intends to undergo hair removal.

In any case, there are rules to follow. If you are taking oral retinoids, you should stop treatment 6 months before the date of your scheduled treatment. One month before it, you must not depilate, and when you have two weeks left, you must stop using photoallergenic and phytotoxic drugs, as well as herbs that cause the same effect.

Laser facial hair removal – the course of the procedure

Before the actual epilation begins, a trial is first conducted on a selected area of skin. This allows you to see what her reaction to irritation will be. If this test is positive, the actual treatment can be started. During its duration, light from the laser, directed by the hand of a specialist, is absorbed by melanin in the hair follicles. Melanin converts previously absorbed light into thermal energy that destroys follicles. The prerequisite for full success is the selection of the laser power and pulse time according to hair and skin type.

After the procedure is completed, preparations are applied to the site to alleviate any periorbital swelling and irritation that occurs, which can last up to several hours. After the procedure, it is necessary to avoid hot showers and baths, as well as saunas and swimming pools for a period of two weeks, not to use preparations with alcohol and spirits, self-tanners, not to use scrubs and cosmetics that can lead to exfoliation of the epidermis.

Appropriate frequency of laser facial hair removal

Facial laser hair removal treatment should first be performed monthly for the first six months, and then once a year should be sufficient. This is necessary because the hairs on the skin have different growth stages and some have too little pigment to absorb the laser light. Therefore, regular treatments will allow the removal of those hairs that previously could not yet adequately accept the laser. It should be borne in mind that laser facial hair removal will not be 100% effective – the selected hairs will remain, and due to the action of the laser, they may become lighter.

Possible side effects of laser hair removal

Like any other procedure, laser facial hair removal can also bring some side effects. However, they do not occur in everyone. In some situations, people who have benefited from such treatments experience lighter or darker discoloration of the skin in their areas, and burns or blisters may also appear.

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