Photorejuvenation of the face

Facial skin rejuvenation treatments offered by our Clinic are performed by specialists and with the help of professional equipment and devices. Whether you want to remove wrinkles, facial imperfections or gain a youthful appearance and healthy skin condition, there is something for you. This diversity is a guarantee of a professional approach to each patient and the provision of comprehensive care and attention.

Main advantages of Photo-rejuvenation Leonardo A.L.T.


The precise head of the Leonardo allows precise preparation of the treatment area. The heat generated does not cause pain to the patient, which also eliminates the risk of burns and makes the treatment completely safe. Immediately after the procedure the patient can return to daily activities and avoids the long period of convalescence that occurs after ablative procedures. Thanks to this solution, our patients can be treated with technology 5 times stronger without any discomfort. The A.L.T. light causes collagen fibres to remodel, resulting in thicker skin and an improved appearance.

Main advantages of Photo-rejuvenation Leonardo A.L.T.


Leonardo photorejuvenation is valued by our patients thanks to its innovative light emission technology, which ensures the reduction of wrinkles, discolouration at different levels of the skin. The powerful photo-rejuvenating effect, thanks to the special cooling head of Leonardo A.L.T., is completely painless and does not require a period of convalescence. The special treatment procedure is selected individually to the patient’s needs.


Over 25000+ satisfied customers
Ola Ciupa
Ola Ciupa
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„Moj ulubiony salon to Beauty Skin. Regularnie korzystam z zabiegów laserem Vectus – depilacji laserowej, która pozwala na stałe pozbyć sie owłosienia. Włosy z zabiegu na zabieg są coraz słabsze i nie ma problemu wrastających włosków.” www.ibeauty.pl

Model, presenter of 4fun.tv

Tomasz Ciachorowski
Tomasz Ciachorowski
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„Fajnie, że istnieją takie zabiegi jak w Beauty Skin, które są nieinwazyjne, a poprawiają wygląd i samopoczucie.” TV Zebrra


Leszek Stanek
Leszek Stanek
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„Przeświadczenie o medycynie skalpela odchodzi do lamusa, dziś można dbać o skórę zabiegami laserowymi i takie sobie chwalę, korzystając z nich w Beauty Skin” . TV Zebra

Actor, singer, choreographer, Asia Express contestant



Equipment available

Photorejuvenation A.L.T. Hyper Pulse

Leonardo A.L.T. (Accumulative Light Torrent) state-of-the-art light emission platform. Painless photorejuvenation, reduction of erythema, enlarged pores and hyperpigmentation. Visibly brightened skin and reduction in the appearance of wrinkles after the first treatment.


Price list
Okolica1 zabiegPakiet 4 zabiegów
Twarz750 zł 500 zł3000 zł 1600 zł
Twarz, szyja950 zł 550 zł3800 zł 1800 zł
Twarz, szyja, dekolt1100 zł 650 zł4400 zł 2200 zł
Szyja lub dekolt650 zł 450 zł2600 zł 1400 zł

Schedule your treatment now!

Make an appointment or take advantage of a free cosmetology consultation, and our specialists will help you choose a treatment tailored exclusively to your needs.


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Звернувшись до професійної клініки для лазерної епіляції, виявляється, що пропозиція настільки широка, що така проста, як може здатися. Вибір лазерів великий, не знаючи їх властивостей,

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