PRO XN - antioxidant therapy
PRO XN’s proprietary treatments are modulated therapies that restore proper skin physiology. PRO XN uses the most powerful antioxidant yet discovered
In the form of Xanthohumol complex. It exhibits antioxidant activity 30 times stronger than vitamin C and 200 times stronger than resveratrol. PRO XN therapy in one procedure focuses on improving skin microcirculation, anti-aging, brightening and anti-microbial effects.
PRO XN – xanthohumol therapy
Level I treatment
The first level treatment is designed to regenerate the epidermal hydro-lipid barrier and strengthen the skin’s antioxidant system. The therapy is designed for people with hypersensitive skin, during retinoid treatment, with psoriatic and inflammatory skin lesions. In addition, during periods of strong sunlight, the treatment enhances the photoprotective effect of the skin system.
Therapy is recommended in a series of 4-6 treatments, once a week.
Level II treatment
The Level II treatment deeply revitalizes the skin without irritation, peeling or redness. This will work well for anyone who wants to reduce signs of photoaging, firm the skin and give it a new glow. It is also a suitable procedure for those struggling with signs of rosacea.
Therapy is recommended in a series of 4-6 treatments, every 2 weeks.
PRO XN – xanthohumol therapy
Level III treatment
Deep skin stimulation combined with Dermapen 4.0 micropuncture treatment in one procedure. For those who want to firm the skin strongly, improve its elasticity and texture, a combination therapy is ideal. Xanothumol complex contained in the ampoules accelerates the regeneration process, increases skin hydration, soothes irritation
And even out the skin tone.
Therapy is recommended in a series of 4-6 treatments, every 3-4 weeks.
PRO XN ACNE Rescue treatment
An innovative treatment for problematic skin with recurrent acne lesions, seborrhea and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The treatment procedure works in 4 planes simultaneously:
– Reduces excessive sebum secretion,
– alleviates hyperkeratinization,
– Prevents colonization of bacteria,
-stimulates the local immune response.
The treatment is indicated for skin with inflammatory papulopustular acne, dehydrated skin with acne lesions and seborrheic vascular skin. The treatment is year-round.
Therapies are recommended in a series of 6-8 treatments, every 2 weeks.

Model, presenter of 4fun.tv
Actor, singer, choreographer, Asia Express contestant
PRO XN – xanthohumol therapy
Level I treatment:
– hypersensitive skin,
– Disrupted hydro-lipid barrier,
– Strengthening the antioxidant system,
– atopic skin,
– During treatment with retinoids (any acne treatments).
Level II treatment:
– sensitive skin,
– vascular skin,
– rosacea,
– signs of photoaging.
Level III treatment:
– mature skin,
– Gray skin, devoid of radiance,
– signs of photoaging.
PRO XN Acne Resue Treatment:
– Papulopustular inflammatory acne,
– seborrhea,
-dehydrated skin with acne lesions,
– Seborrheic vascular skin.
An integral part of any antioxidant therapy is proper home care. During the visit, the cosmetologist will accurately provide home recommendations and select personalized post-treatment care.
With PRO XN’s proprietary treatments, without additional remodeling procedures, one can immediately return to daily activities. Therapies with xanthohumol complex do not cause adverse skin reactions, i.e. Redness, peeling, swelling or hypersensitivity.
PRO XN – Xanothumol Therapy
Xanthohumol is a highly active flavonoid naturally found in the flowering hop plant. It is one of the most potent extrinsic antioxidants, exhibiting 30 times stronger antioxidant activity than vitamin C and 200 times stronger than resveratrol. It protects the skin from oxidative stress and its effects, i.e.: photoaging of the skin, loss of firmness and radiance, growth of Gram-positive bacteria Stap. aureus, pyogenes and epidermidis causing purulent skin infections. It has a bactericidal effect and improves skin microcirculation, which promotes the removal of toxins and better nutrition, and tissue regeneration.
Treatment | 1 treatment | Set of 3 treatments |
I degree - face + neck | ||
II degree - Face + neck | ||
IIi degree - Face + neck (treatment combined with the Dermapen 4.0 microneedling technology) | ||
ACNE Rescue treatment - Face + neck | ||
Xantohumol Recovery Treatment (face + neck) - after another surgical procedure | - | |
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