Tissue stimulator
Stimulator treatments are deep stimulation and biorestructuring of the skin. The effect of pronounced and long-lasting rejuvenation is caused in the action in three planes: lifting, antioxidation, hydration. This method of skin biostimulation stimulates the production processes of type I collagen and elastin, resulting in skin thickening and lifting. A free radical reduction system provides antioxidant action. In addition, water-binding polynucleotides provide long-lasting hydration of the skin, making it moisturized and firm.
Main advantages of tissue stimulators
The main advantage of the treatment is its effectiveness tailored to each skin type. We choose the highest quality product that stimulates the skin firming processes for a long time and has a strong lifting effect. In addition, the product provides deep hydration, shallowing of wrinkles, improvement of skin tone. The treatment is suitable for everyone and does not contain any substances with allergenic potential.
Main advantages of tissue stimulators
Long-lasting effect
The treatment has anti-aging, antioxidant and lifting effects occurring through the administration of the preparation. The effect depends on individual predisposition, however, lasts from several to several dozen months. This is the best treatment for problematic eye area, which needs intensive lifting and long-term hydration – thanks to active water-binding polynucleotides, we provide long-term isoosmotic hydration of the extracellular matrix.
Composer, Producer, Guitarist
Singer, Songwriter
Author of the "365 Days" trilogy of novels
Actor, singer, choreographer, Asia Express contestant
tissue stimulators
It is possible to feel pain at the time of injection. After the procedure, small haematomas or petechiae may appear at the injection site when the needle encounters a vessel. There may also be temporary erythema, swelling with the appearance of tingling at the injection site.
The treatment series of needle mesotherapy is determined by the attending doctor depending on the patient’s existing needs and skin condition. It usually amounts to about 3 treatments, performed every 2 weeks.
– active bacterial and viral infections (herpes) and fungal infections,
– cancer,
– blistering diseases of the skin,
– pregnancy and breastfeeding,
– Inflammatory psoriasis at the treatment site,
– cancerous and precancerous skin lesions,
– ill health, e.g. a cold,
– disruption of the continuity of the skin at the site of treatment,
– coagulation disorders,
– skin inflammations,
– taking anticoagulants (aspirin)
The skin is thickened and firmed after the treatment. There is a noticeable rejuvenation of the skin due to its antioxidant and highly moisturizing effects. The effects of oxidative stress disappear and the skin becomes radiant. Skin tone improves, and wrinkles become shallow. The product is completely natural and safe making it suitable for people of all ages for deep hydration. Tissue Stimulator is an ideal treatment for people with loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin who want to stimulate and restore the facial oval.
Lifting, firming, deep hydration and antioxidation.
Treatment | 1 treatment | Set of 3 treatments |
Profhilo | 1300 zł | |
Profhilo structura | 1600 zł | |
Viscoderm | 1300 zł | |
Eyes - Jalupro Young Eye | 1300 zł |
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