Walentynki w Beauty Skin – Sprawdź!

30 sierpnia 2022

The problem with drooping eyebrows – how to optically „open” the eye

Eyebrow drooping is one of the symptoms of the aging process, as a result of which the skin loses its natural elasticity and resilience. Drooping eyebrows is a phenomenon that very often occurs together with and affects the drooping eyelid. However, there are possible ways to lift the eyebrows, which can open the eye optically and restore the face’s natural features and healthy appearance.

Why is the brow drooping – where does this problem come from?

A drooping brow is a problem that most often affects people of mature age. There are various factors that exacerbate this phenomenon, but the primary one is undoubtedly the loss of firmness and elasticity of facial skin, as well as muscle weakness. This is the result of the body’s natural aging process, as well as the weakening of collagen fibers. Unilateral eyebrow drooping can be a symptom of larger problems with facial nerves and muscles. Factors such as:

  • Vision problems (it requires constant squinting);
  • genetic conditions;
  • photoaging of the skin;
  • Sleep deficiency, frequent staying in underexposed areas.

Eyebrow drooping and overall facial features

Eyebrow drooping is usually a cause for worry and concern, as it has a huge impact on the overall appearance of the face. With the lowering of the eyebrows, the phenomenon of a drooping eyelid occurs, resulting in an optically smaller eye, which changes the facial features. A person with such a problem appears older than he or she actually is. For this reason, you should consider eyebrow lift treatments to help restore a youthful and natural look to your face.

Home remedies for drooping eyebrows

Like all other phenomena and disorders, a drooping brow has lived to see home-grown ways of preventing and dealing with the problem. These include, of course, prevention, which means strengthening the skin with the right active ingredients even before the problem occurs. It is also important to exercise the facial muscles, which should be done for a few minutes every day, as well as to gently massage the skin in the eye area – all of which will help stop or prevent the process of eyebrow drooping.

Brow lift with HiFu technology

In the case of drooping eyebrows, aesthetic medicine can also be resorted to, which will undo the process of drooping and significantly rejuvenate the face. This is made possible, thanks to HiFu’s UltraSkin II Absolute technology. This treatment works on the basis of acoustic waves with very high frequencies – the so-called ultrasound. During the treatment, the deep layers of the skin are stimulated, and cells are also stimulated to divide faster, as well as secrete collagen – responsible for skin tone and elasticity. Even after the first treatment, the eyebrows will be visibly lifted, it will also allow the reduction of facial wrinkles from the forehead area. This will benefit the overall appearance of the face and make it look much younger.

Drooping eyebrows and drooping eyelids – eyelid plastics

In treating drooping eyebrows, it is also important to take care of drooping eyelids. Certainly, after raising the eyebrows, the eyelids will also lift, but it is worth paying attention to them as well. Indeed, a drooping eyelid is a phenomenon that also occurs as a result of the body’s natural aging process and loss of skin firmness. If it occurs, consider eyelid plastics – a plastic surgery procedure that allows you to get rid of excess skin from a drooping eyelid and visibly rejuvenate your face. Eyelid plastics combined with eyebrow lift surgery will certainly guarantee  visible and satisfactory results.

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